Click on the bars to see total number of matches won by that country yearwise

Total matches won by countries

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Dataset: The Australian Open dataset is stored as a shared googlesheet in my account. I have used Tabletop library to get data from googlesheet.

Linked Charts: The first chart shows overview of total number of matches won by each countries from 2004 to 2014. Bar graph is used to represent the information since the data is categorical. Hovering over the bar highlights the bar and the tooltip shows total matches (includes all rounds) won by that country.
Clicking over the bar shows detailed view for that country which is number of matches won per year by that country. This is represented using line chart since it shows the trend over years. Hovering over the points displays total number of matches won by that country in that particular year.

Insights: You can click on a bar which represents a country in chart 1 (bar graph) to get yearwise total matches won by that country in chart 2 (line chart).

Interactions: Apart from overview->detail interaction between bar chart and line chart I have used sorting for bar graph which when checked, sorts the data based on number of matches in descending order and when unchecked, sorts data alphabetically by country's name in ascending order. Also hovering over the charts shows corresponding values for every chart.

Extra Chart: I have added one more chart which is pie chart to show only the number of finals won by countries. I have used d3pie library which is built on d3.js to build attractive pie charts. I found it very convenient to build pie chart using d3pie. I feel pie chart is suitable here since comparison between countries to check number of finals won becomes easy. Also since the number of years is just 11, pie chart fits here properly.

I think I deserve extra credit because of above mentioned interaction and an extra chart :)